From testing to perfection - we got your QA needs covered

Streamline Your Software Testing

Are you struggling to introduce continuous integration to your software development process? Are you looking for a way to catch bugs in a test environment before releasing your software to clients?

Continuous Integration benefits

Our Continuous Integration services have proven to be highly beneficial for our clients, enabling them to increase build frequency, improve code coverage, and detect bugs faster, leading to substantial cost savings.

Automated test suites

We provide automated test suites, including smoke and regression test suites, that can be scheduled to run at specified time intervals or on every new build. This ensures thorough testing and gives you confidence that your software is consistently meeting performance expectations.

Improved software quality

Through our Continuous Integration services, we help enhance the overall quality of your software by enabling frequent integration and testing, catching issues early in the development cycle, and ensuring the stability and reliability of your applications

Standardize Your Test Execution Process

Want to ensure the quality and reliability of your software?Software testing outcomes hinge on the quality of test execution, which is why a rigorous approach is essential.

Test execution involves several key steps, including test environment setup, test case selection, test case execution, defect reporting, regression testing, and test completion report. Each step plays a critical role in ensuring the software’s functionality is verified and that any defects are logged and fixed.

Ensuring software quality

By adhering to a rigorous testing process, you can ensure that your software meets high standards of quality and reliability. The test execution phase plays a crucial role in identifying and addressing issues early in the development cycle, preventing them from escalating into major problems.

Early issue identification

The test execution process allows for early detection of issues, enabling prompt resolution and preventing them from impacting the software’s performance or user experience in later stages. This leads to faster delivery times and enhances customer satisfaction.

Continuous improvement

Through systematic test execution and documentation, you can gather valuable insights to improve future software releases, refine testing strategies, and enhance the overall quality and reliability of your software products.

Eliminate Testing Challenges and Improve Software Quality

Are you tired of the manual testing efforts that are eating up your software development budget? Are you struggling to maintain software quality and improve efficiency in your testing process?

Manual testing is a time-consuming and costly process that can leave your business struggling to keep up with the competition. Without an efficient and automated testing process, you’re missing out on opportunities to improve software quality and reduce testing costs.

Faster delivery

With automated testing, you receive quicker feedback on the quality of your software. This enables your developers to promptly address any identified issues, expediting the delivery process and ensuring a timely release of high-quality software. By implementing test automation through Sesat’s QA solutions, you can reduce the time required for testing activities, enabling quicker delivery of your products or updates.

Better software performance

Sesat’s test automation framework allows you to simulate high user loads, stress conditions, and other scenarios, enabling you to uncover and resolve performance issues proactively.Through automated performance testing, you can obtain accurate and consistent results, empowering you to optimize your software’s performance and enhance user satisfaction.

Stay ahead of potential risks with our comprehensive QA & Risk management solutions

It can be frustrating to juggle multiple tasks and responsibilities while also ensuring that your products meet the required standards of quality. The stress and pressure of trying to do it all can be overwhelming, leaving you feeling burnt out and ineffective.

That’s where Sesat comes in. Our comprehensive range of services, including software QA best practices, plans and strategies, status and project reporting, IV&V testing, and automation expertise, can help you stay ahead of the curve.

Software quality

By leveraging Sesat’s expertise and tools, you can improve the overall quality and reliability of your software products, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Resolve performance bottlenecks

By identifying and resolving performance bottlenecks through Sesat’s solutions, you can enhance the speed and responsiveness of your software, leading to improved user satisfaction and retention.

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